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Calendar of events
Please help us on our fundraiser
MAY 28, 2013
Natalia is 3 year girl who is losing her hearing day by day; please help us by not letting this happen. With technology today, we can help her continue hearing the sound of life. Natalia needs a Cochlear Implant. Please help us raise funds for this great cause. All money raised will go to assist Natalia’s Cochlear Implant and surgery. The cost per ticket is only $10.00, and winners will be annouced in our Facebook Page Lwyh Listenwithyourheart
1st Price: IPad
2nd Price: 32”T.V
3rd Price: Digital Camera
4th Price: $100.00 Gift Card
For more info on Tickets for sale with Claudia Acosta, Sandra Buzani, Karina Orozco, Margarita Ruiz, Lidia Padilla, Andrea Tellez Vizcarra or Email us to listenwithyourheart@live.com
LWYH is pleased to ex-pand a online Parent Ed-ucation Class program from John Tracy Clinic! These classes empha-size listening, language, and speech and are de-signed for parents of pre-school children with hearing loss.
JTC Parent Connect pro-vides this live, interactive parent education and support from their main campus in Los Angeles, CA. Now, this exciting program is coming to our community.
Advanced classes are offered using WebEx, an online meeting and web conferencing plat-form.
Classes are taught by JTC’s California cre-dentialed DHH teach-ers.
All of JTC teach-ers hold master’s de-grees in education; many hold the highest certification in Auditory-Verbal Therapy. Sessions will be held every other week in Spanish.
Live online 1hour and half classes in Spanish begin at 6:00 p.m.
February 12
Hear from a JTC Family
March 12
Choosing Your Child’s Classroom, Partnering with
April 16
Understanding Assess-ments, Learning Language is Fun
May 7
ABC’s of Literacy, Sharing Feelings and Making Friends
May 21
Dates subject to change
Dave Sindrey and Sandra Medina
Class Description:
One-hour educational online class given by internationally known experts Dave Sindrey M.Cl.Sc. LSLS Cert. AVT and Sandra Medina Speech and Language Pathologist; they will teach a range of topics to help both English and Spanish speaking parents help their chil-dren with listening and language..
Parents of children with hearing and speech problems and also are seeking information on lis-tening and spoken language therapy. And live on the Im-perial Valley and has or wants an account on the www.listeningtree.ca.
Date Time Address
January 29, 2013 6:30 p.m -7:30 p.m 506 4th. St. Calexico, Ca.
February 26, 2013 6:30 p.m -7:30 p.m 506 4th. St. Calexico, Ca.
March 26, 2013 6:30 p.m -7:30 p.m 506 4th. St. Calexico, Ca.
April 23, 2013 6:30 p.m -7:30 p.m 506 4th. St. Calexico, Ca.
May 21, 2013 6:30 p.m -7:30 p.m 506 4th. St. Calexico, Ca.
Join Kindermusik
With Kindermusik@Home, you can access your favorite Kindermusik songs and activities, music, eBooks, and lyrics any time from your smart phone, iPad, tablet, laptop, or computer. With recipes, learning games for kids, crafts, and more in a green-friendly digital format, we make it easy for parents and caregivers to actively support their children’s learning on-the-go—from the living room to the grocery store to the doctor’s office! Plus, with each new learning theme, Kindermusik adds new content and new music to your family’s growing collection!
RSVP: listenwityourheart@live.com (760) 222-6359 April 25, May 2, 9 and 16 2013 5:30 p.m. @NH of Calexico 506 4th. St. Calexico
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